F.A.S.T. - Who we are and what we do


Bi-monthly meetings

Professional Speakers





FAST was established in 1991 by Doris Austin, Jake Bearden and Dave Hill. They believed that amputees through communication and education could benefit from such an organization. Through their hard work FAST was started as a nonprofit organization.


FAST originally started having breakfast meetings the 3rd Saturday of the month in a small Mexican restaurant in Santa Ana.  In 2004 we moved our meetings to a new restaurant that could accommodate all our members. We now meet at:

17th Street Grill
17320 E. 17th Street (at Yorba)
Tustin, CA 92780

We welcome anyone facing amputation and/or having had an amputation of any kind. We encourage family members to participate and come join us for our meetings. We have speakers...prosthetists, doctors, therapists, people with amputations that have accomplished amazing things i.e. paralympics, swimmers, climbers and skiers.
Some meetings are devoted to questions and answers where we all share.... asking and answering for each other any to travel, home care, new legs or arms...whatever needs to be discussed.  We also invite sports speakers and activists who share with us their stories and invite us to join them in their activities


We have an annual picnic in October and a Christmas party in December. We have attended dinner theater, golf clinics and gone bowling in the last years and look forward to more group activities. 

Amputee Coalition of America

This is a national organization for amputees, Amputee Coalition of America (ACA). Through ACA we become certified to be peer visitors and help amputees in the hospitals, nursing homes, or at home to let everyone know how we cope and that “There is LIFE after an amputation”.

Click the following link to access the ACA's web site:


FAST Times is our newsletter. Today we have a mailing (email) list of over 250 members. We ask for a voluntary $15.00 donation a year if possible to cover printing and mailing costs. Anyone can receive a newsletter...just sign up. We also have an e-mail address and a telephone number where we can be reached for any questions you may have.

Come and join us for breakfast and learn about life!

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